
AE Expeditions Blog

The Wonders of Penguin Highways

Antarctica, the remote and icy continent, is a land of extraordinary wildlife and stunning landscapes. It’s the coldest, driest, and …

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Australian and New Zealand Subantarctic Islands: 15 birdlife species you won’t find anywhere else in the world

With the thrill of an expeditioner spotting a rare species in the wild, we are excited to announce our new …

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Best Time to See Polar Bears in Svalbard – Wildlife Guide 

You’ve heard that the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard is one of the coolest places on Earth (literally), and you’re probably …

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What Will I See on a Chilean Fjords Cruise?

If you’re seeking a unique and awe-inspiring adventure, look no further than a Chilean Fjords cruise with AE Expeditions. With a backdrop …

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Spitsbergen: A Complete Guide to the Arctic Island

Jump to: Geology History Culture Wildlife Arctic adventures Attractions Entertainment Spitsbergen Skies Prepare for your Expedition For intrepid explorers, Spitsbergen, …

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Scottish Birds: A Birding Guide to Scotland

Whether you’re a wildlife lover who enjoys experiencing native fauna on your overseas adventures or a dedicated ornithologist looking to …

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Captivating Patagonian Animals & Wildlife

If seeing wildlife on vacation lights you up like a pooch with a new ball, then Patagonia is a must-visit …

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Whales in Antarctica: Blue Whales, Orcas and Minke Whales

Enigmatic, majestic, and awe-inspiring whales, the giants of the ocean, give rise to gasps, oohs, and aahs every time they …

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Exploring Mission Blue’s Hope Spots

Oceans support our planet and all of its inhabitants in so many ways. Covering more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, …

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Emperor Penguin Facts

George Clooney looks good in a tuxedo, but he’s got nothing compared to one of our favourite Antarctic species: the …

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Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day

World Migratory Bird Day is all about appreciating our avian friends and the incredible journeys they make every year. This …

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Top 5 Reasons To Include South Georgia On Your Antarctic Expedition

Unknown to most, the Antarctic region stretches wider than its mainland and actually includes a number of island chains dotted …

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Late Season Antarctica: Why I like Antarctic trips in March

March is ‘late-season’ for voyages to Antarctica: night times grow out of the endless summer days; the air freshens; dustings …

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Bucket-list destinations to suit every traveller

Because AE Expeditions visits some of the most unique places in the world, compiling this list of bucket-list destinations wasn’t …

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Arctic Birds: A Bird Watcher’s Guide to Svalbard

The Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard is one of our favourite destinations, with jaw-dropping landscapes and impressive wildlife. However, Svalbard isn’t …

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How can we help endangered penguins in Antarctica?

As a group, penguins are one of the two most threatened seabird species in the world. According to Birdlife International, …

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The British Isles: A Bird Watcher’s Guide

If you’re a birding enthusiast, the British Isles also holds a special surprise in the range of birdlife that call …

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Puffin Facts & Information Guide

For the team at AE Expeditions, puffins are not just birds; they are living works of art. Their colourful beaks, …

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What Animals Live in Antarctica?

Sub-zero temperatures, months of darkness and some of the strongest winds on Earth. How does life survive in this vast …

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Are seals endangered in Antarctica?

All six seal species’ found living in Antarctica are classified as ‘least concern’ by the International Union for Conservation of …

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Are there polar bears in Antarctica? No – find out why.

Do polar bears live in Antarctica? Polar bears live in the Arctic, but not Antarctica. Down south in Antarctica you’ll …

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King Penguin Fun Facts & Information

On an adventure to Antarctica and the Subantarctic islands with AE Expeditions, there is one animal that almost everyone wants …

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World Wildlife Day – Our Top 5 Polar Animals

Every year on March 3, it’s World Wildlife Day! This is a time when we are all encouraged to celebrate …

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AE Expeditions Acknowledge The World’s Endangered Species List

On Friday 20 May 2016, the world takes time to acknowledge the planet’s endangered species of wild animals, and many …

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